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Muqoddima: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi
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Core Subject : Social,
MUQODDIMA Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Laboratorium Sosiologi, Program Studi Sosiologi, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia (UNUSIA). Jurnal ini terbit mulai Juni 2020, selanjutnya Desember pada tahun yang sama. Demikian pula untuk tahun-tahun seterusnya. Penerbitan MUQODDIMA Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi dilandasi pandangan bahwa sesungguhnya masyarakat terus bergerak dan berubah secara dinamis. Cara pandang manusia (atas diri, orang lain, masyarakat serta satuan sosial lainnya, dan semesta) terus berubah, beriringan dengan perubahan pola-pola kehidupan secara umum. Di dalam pandangan kami perubahan sosial bukan semata-mata diletakkan hanya sebagai kategori konseptual-analitis, melainkan juga sebagai gejala faktual. Perubahan berlangsung secara dinamis, tampak dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, meliputi setiap domain kehidupan (sosial, kebudayaan, politik, lingkungan hidup, dan ekonomi) yang saling pengaruh-mempengaruhi satu dengan yang lain. Namun demikian, ini bukan berarti bahwa pola-pola yang bersifat ajek dalam kehidupan sosial diabaikan atau dinafikan dari pandangan kami. Keajekan, yang tetap, atau yang teratur justru penting serta harus dikuak dan dipahami, yakni dalam relasi dinamisnya dengan perubahan. Meletakkan perubahan sosial dengan cara seperti itu kami maksudkan untuk menyatakan bahwa cara kita memandang, mengerti, dan menerima perubahan harus dikembangkan, dan cara kita memandang apa yang (dianggap) tetap juga harus terus-menerus diperbarui. Di dalamnya, ini berarti bahwa setiap atau beberapa gejala sosial di level apa pun (mikroskopik-makroskopik, atau di antaranya) sudah seharusnya mendapat perhatian untuk dimengerti lebih jauh. Tujuannya bukan semata-mata untuk mendapatkan pengertian atau pemahaman atas perubahan itu sendiri, melainkan demi mencapai pengertian yang lebih baik atas kondisi diri-kemanusiaan dan masyarakat/umat manusia secara umum -- kendati pengertian yang lebih baik itu pun bersifat sementara. Apa yang kami tuangkan di atas adalah beberapa di antara berbagai sesuatu yang melatarbelakangi penerbitan MUQODDIMA Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi. Dalam semangat tersebut, penerbitan jurnal ini dimaksudkan sebagai pembuka bagi diskusi dan dialog ilmiah antar akademisi, aktivis sosial-kemanusiaan, serta para pelaku kebudayaan mengenai kondisi kemanusiaan kita dalam arus perubahan, khususnya dalam konteks Indonesia. Semoga MUQODDIMA Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi panjang umur, istikamah, berguna dan bermanfaat bagi komunitas akademik dan masyarakat seluruhnya.
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 2 No 2 (2021): MUQODDIMA Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi" : 5 Documents clear
Muhammad Asad dan Epistemologi Tafsirnya: Ide Kontekstual dan Sosio-Historis Ahmad Nabil Amir
Muqoddima Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi Vol 2 No 2 (2021): MUQODDIMA Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi
Publisher : Laboratorium Sosiologi Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47776//MJPRS.002.02.01


The paper discusses the underlying principle of Qur’anic interpretation from rational and socio-historical perspective as brought forth by Muhammad Asad in his magnum opus The Message of the Qur’an. It emphasized on scientific and rational principle that conceptualize its universal and ethical conception as set forth in his erudite commentary and extensive footnotes. The analysis is based on qualitative method using descriptive and analytical approaches. Data provided were analyzed by way of deductive and inference. The finding shows that his interpretation was influenced from the progressive and scientific outlook of Tafsir al-Manar which espoused al-adabi al-ijtima‘i approaches (social-artistic form of exegesis) that constitute Asad’s principal ideas and methodology. It brought forth dynamic socio-historical and ethico-legal interpretation that contextualize its moral-ethical spirit and connotation and provide the foundation for social exegesis in contemporary ages
English Used on Social Media Among Indonesian’s Netizen: Sociolinguistics Approach Syahadah Albaqiyatul Karimah
Muqoddima Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi Vol 2 No 2 (2021): MUQODDIMA Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi
Publisher : Laboratorium Sosiologi Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47776/MJPRS.002.02.02


In the globalization era, social media is very popular in various circles, both in young people and elderly. And nowadays, social media has an important role in the human’s life. There are two Social Media which have many users, namely, Facebook and Instagram. Facebook is a kind of social media that has been used by many people in Indonesia. Instagram is a social media that usually used by the users for share a picture, photo and video that added by caption on it. This study was used qualitative method using sociolinguistics approach. The study objects were status and captions on Facebook and Instagram which was indicated include on the criteria material object of the study analysis. The statuses were taken from Facebook’s post, while the captions were taken from Instagram’s post. This study has identified the relation of the Language use especially English in Facebook and Instagram based on the sociolinguistics approach; age, gender, and educational background. The findings showed that age has an influence on the use of language both formally and informally. Young netizens tend to use informal or slang language. Gender has an impact to the use of English language. The study showed that women’s netizen more polite in using the language than men. On the other hand, men tend to use language that seems outspoken and without any boundaries. Educational background has an influence to the use of English language in social media especially Facebook. The study has attempted to show the variations of English used by the Indonesian netizens from different age, gender and educational background.
Hubungan Persepsi Keterlibatan Ayah dalam Pengasuhan Anak Dengan Perilaku Moral Anak di Sekolah Irma Safitri; Ade Dafa Salsabila; Siti Nginayah
Muqoddima Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi Vol 2 No 2 (2021): MUQODDIMA Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi
Publisher : Laboratorium Sosiologi Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47776/MJPRS.002.02.03


The moral behavior of children at school is one aspect of child development that needs to be considered in its development. One of the things that affect the moral behavior of children is parenting, namely the involvement of the father in parenting. Moral behavior is behavior that conforms to the moral code of a social group. Moral behavior in this study is the moral behavior of children at school, namely behavior that is in accordance with school rules, consisting of discipline, responsibility and courtesy. Father involvement in child care is how a father is involved in child care, consisting of being involved and emotionally attached to children, being involved in handling children's problems, commitment to giving orders and control over children, and providing examples of behavior in children. Based on the Product Moment correlation analysis, the results show that there is a significant relationship between father's involvement in child care and children's moral behavior at school. This can be seen from the correlation value of (rcount) of 0.599, which is greater than the significance level of 5% or (0.05) and the correlation value is positive.
Gambaran Tingkat Psychological Distress Mahasiswa dan Hubungannya dengan Aksesibilitas Pelayanan Konseling Mahasiswa Winda Maharani
Muqoddima Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi Vol 2 No 2 (2021): MUQODDIMA Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi
Publisher : Laboratorium Sosiologi Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47776/MJPRS.002.02.04


The purpose of this research are to know the difference of psychological distress level among student based on his needs of university mental health care services, and also to know the reasons of using the university mental health care services. Subject are divided into 4 group. First, the group who needs university mental health care services on both 2010 and 2011, second is the group who doesn’t need university mental health care services on both 2010 and 2011, third is the group who needs university mental health care services only on 2010 and last is the group who needs university mental health care services only on 2011. This research using triangulation of study as a method to collect data. The result of this research revealed that there is no significant difference in level of psychological distress among 4 groups mentioned earlier. The result also revealed the reasons of using the BKM services is highly associated with accessibility of mental health care services issues.
Tingkeban: Ritual Orang Jawa Dalam Masa Kehamilan di Kalisari, Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur Mimin Austiyana
Muqoddima Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi Vol 2 No 2 (2021): MUQODDIMA Jurnal Pemikiran dan Riset Sosiologi
Publisher : Laboratorium Sosiologi Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47776/MJPRS.002.02.05


Pregnancy is viewed as very important event for Javanese people, because being pregnant is a sign of fertility,especially a male child, is viewed as an increase in wealth. A woman with many children is envied; a barren woman is pitied (Geertz 1961:8), and having a baby is considered as necessary for creating a complete and perfect houshold and family. Pregnancy is also seen as potentially dangerous in Javanese society, and it involves a wide array of indigenous beliefs and practices to the periods of pregnancy. Therefore, this study explored perception, meanings and practices related to pregnancy of the people in Kalisari, Bojonegoro, East java. The focus of the study will examine rites of passage performed during pregnancy. This study is a descriptive study and attempt to give a clear picture of the problem. The study is of a qualitative nature, and it showed that pregnancy period can be analyzed as important rite of passage or period of transition. When a woman publicly announces her pregnancy a ceremony is held (tingkeban) which symbolizes the separation of the woman from her previous status.

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